
We support the principle of creating an equal experience for everyone impacted by our designs and recognise that the experiences of approach, entry, activity and amenities use should be clear, logical and universal to all, regardless of age, ability, background or gender.

As designers we try to create access solutions that are ‘invisible’ in meeting statutory requirements without resort to clumsy bolt-on solutions.

Our extensive experience working with diverse stakeholders has enabled us to develop a capacity to translate often-complex contributions into a shared vision. We believe a tailored approach that addresses the unique needs and values of the stakeholder group within each project is integral to the success of the design and delivery process.

For each project we consider and apply Universal Design (UD) key principles to ensure our designs are Equitable, Flexible, Simple & Intuitive, Perceptible, Tolerant of Error, require Low Physical Effort and have adequate Sizes and Spaces for Approach and Use.